Hot Water Heater Replacement

So, your old hot water system finally gave up and died. While you should call an expert plumber to come and check the system to figure out whether it can be repaired, there are times when hot water heater replacement is the best option. There are different reasons why this may be the case:

  • The older system has reached the end of its life
  • Your existing system doesn’t serve the purposes of your growing family’s hot water needs
  • You have added a new storey to your home and the older system doesn’t have the capacity to provide hot water for the additional bathrooms
  • You want to switch from an electric to gas system or vice versa
  • You feel that the current system is malfunctioning too often
  • Now you prefer a system that provides higher energy-efficiency
  • You want to replace the older system with a more environment –friendly option like a solar water heater
hot water replacement Hot water replacement Sydney
hot water heater replacement

Our Work Approach

We follow a very meticulous approach to our work and ensure that you get the kind of solutions you need and ones that fit perfectly into your budget. In this endeavour, our experts will first understand what your specific needs are and then provide you with different options that are best suited to your requirements. This helps you make a more well-informed buying decision. We handle the hot water heater replacement job in an efficient and expert manner. Our plumbers work unobtrusively and ensure that all the spaces are neat and clean once they have finished their work.

Different Hot Water System Brands

Regardless of what your specific requirement is, we at Mr Splash Plumbing Sydney can provide you with the best hot water heater replacement solutions. With years of experience behind us, we have the skill and the expertise to provide you the best advice about the different hot water systems in the market such as:


Dux Solar










hot water replacement

We have quick access to a wide range of hot water heater systems of different brands, models and types.

On board our team are hot water system replacement experts that go through extensive training and are able to handle replacement and installation of any system including Gas Installation and Replacement, electric or solar water heaters. With us, you never have to worry about quality, response and timely completion of work. We are the experts that go the extra mile to ensure you have the kind of services you need.

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